Tuesday, February 15, 2011

1 Semester down and 7 more to go......

Well I am back!  December/January was a very stressful period as I wait for grades to determine if I am back in school.  I never want to go through that again and I do not wish it on my WORST enemy.  I knew that flunking out the first time took a big chunk of my confidence, but I had no clue how much until last semester.  I thought that during my six years away, I was "cured".  I was soooo wrong.  I am learning that it is an ongoing process. 

Nevertheless, it is a new semester and I have a fresh start to do better.  This semester I am taking:

Civil Law Property
Legal Writing II and Oral Advocacy

Currently I am working on three days a week.  So I have Thursdays and Fridays to study and read ahead for class.  However after Mardi Gras, I will be back to my regular five day work schedule.  This semester I am trying to find more productive things to do with my leisure time (which in all honestly isn't that much) other than laying in the bed watching mindless TV.  I hoping that I can be more consistent with my blog so that I can work on my writing. 

As far as my classes goes, they are very time consuming, but after I get over the fact of it being so much work, the difficulty of the work is not hard at all.  I believe that if I STICK to my study schedule at least 50%, I will do extremely better than I did this previous semester.

Wish me luck!!!


Notorious Spinks said...

I'm so glad for you! Do I need to call and give you some pep talks?

B.C. said...

You just may have to! LOL! I am on an emotional rollercoaster these days.

Saiee said...

Hey B.C great blog u got goin on..actually got to this after i google searchin "quarter life crisis".preetty much xplains where im at in my life right now.lol.Congs on ur last sem results.Strangely though,ive been thru much the same dilemma with college as you (im Engineering though).if anythng my ride has been more bumpy than yours,,tryinna get it finished up in the nxt 11 months with better grades than i got right now..pity i aint a blogger and yet i love reading other blogs-so keep up the work..yours appeals to me a great deal more coz you feature alot on health/fitness,religion and relationships which is wht im going thru right now..hpefuly we can chat sumtime.God bless